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"CP Chart for 100% IV Pidgeotto (for post-mass evolve checks)"

#PokemonGO: So I know that this information is probably floating out there already, and I'm sure a lot of you already have a 100 IV Pidgey/otto/ot, but for those who don't, here is a chart of what the CP of a 100% Pidgeotto is from level 1-30. So once you finish mass-evolving, you can check the appraisal of any Pidgeotto with the given CP to see if it's a 15/15/15 before transferring. Note that only the level 2 and level 30 CP numbers are unique to 100% IV.LevelCP115248380411351466179721182449277103101134112372134031443415465164961752718558195892062021651226822371324744257752680627837288682989930930 via /r/TheSilphRoad
"CP Chart for 100% IV Pidgeotto (for post-mass evolve checks)" "CP Chart for 100% IV Pidgeotto (for post-mass evolve checks)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:52 Rating: 5

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