"New way to shiny hunt in USUM"

So the new riding minigame that allows you to encounter the legendary pokemon and UB in Ultra Space also allows you to encounter random pokemon as well. Sometimes the worm holes glow like this http://ift.tt/2AwCt1b and it will have a shiny pokemon. From what I've seen so far the shiny pokemon is random but I've been watching a guy stream the minigame and the number of times I see one of these shiny wormholes makes it seems that it is pretty common for them to appear. The trick is to actually maneuver your ride pokemon to that wormhole though and it seems to be tricky.I can already tell its gonna suck to watch a potential shiny pokemon just drift away from me :-(Edit: it seems farther you go in the mini game the higher the chance of getting a shiny pokemon from one of these wormholes are. via /r/pokemon http://ift.tt/2ynoR6Z
"New way to shiny hunt in USUM"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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