"Imagine a Pokemon game with 2 sets of brand new starters"

Gen 6 kinda did this since even though the second set of starters were the Kanto ones, they did have new Mega forms.Gen 5 actually did this much better though. Pansage, Pansear, and Panpour were essentially second starters, however, they were very poorly done because not many players were... interested, to say the least.Early Gen 7 rumors said that using a Leaf, Fire, or Water stone on a corresponding Gen 7 Starter second evolution could lead to a second final form, which never happened.Imagine if we took these ideas, and executed them right?So of course, you get the regular starters like usual, but after beating the 3rd gym (and if gyms don't return, whatever the equivalent is), an important character (like the Professor or a rival) gives you a second set of level 20ish "starters," but unlike traditional starters, they are 2-stage evolutions, and are all of similar design and theme, like the Elemental Monkeys.So what would they be?Like the Elemental Monkeys, they would all be of similar design, so how about:-Elememtal Lions/Tigers (Dark)-Elemental Falcons (Flying)-Elemental Dragons (...Dragon)-Elemental Spiders (Bug)-Elemental Wraiths (Ghost)-Elemental Robots (Steel)-Elemental Pixies (Fairy)You get the idea.All would start as monotypes, but would evolve at level 30 into a dual type with the above types being the secondary typings. Overgrow, Torrent, and Blaze would be the obvious abilities, but to stress the fact that they are a trio, maybe they should all have the same, brand new ability. An -iate ability for their second type makes sense, and if there is already an ability like that for that type, then just give it to them.As for stat distributions, make them the same, but have one stat around 130 that differs per mon. One type its Attack, another Special Attack, and the last gets it in Speed.Not counting that in, maybe a 60/110/70/110/70/110 would work, with one of the 110s changing to a 130 per mon, making the BST 550, which is very respectable.From a competitive standpoint, this screams "Glass Canon Sweeper," so i guess either OU or UU depending on the types and movesets.I would love to see this happen, as it would make the playthrough far more interesting. If you guys have any ideas, i would love to know. via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/2jdTcyR
"Imagine a Pokemon game with 2 sets of brand new starters"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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