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"All-time favorite shiny Pokémon became lucky!"

#PokemonGO: Really excited to share my latest trade! Met a fellow trainer over the weekend at an EX-eligible gym raid, and we shared what rare mons we had. Found we both love shiny Charizard, and had an extra Blast Burn shiny with low IV’s from the Char CD. We decided to trade shiny Blast Burn Charizard for shiny Blast Burn Charizard. A blessing from Arcues itself, it became lucky and went from “Decent” to “Amazing” (Valor appraisal)!! via /r/pokemongo
"All-time favorite shiny Pokémon became lucky!" "All-time favorite shiny Pokémon became lucky!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:51 Rating: 5

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