"Quest-Megathread 01.08.2018 Raikou Edition"
#PokemonGO: Hello i'd like to help again gathering all new quests in one place as they are coming in. I try to format as good as possibleReport all Quests obtained after 1 pm PDT here :)Please provide a link proving your post :)EDIT:item rewards are work in progress...need some sleep..thanks guys!Pokemon EncountersQuestRewardConfirmed by UserCatch a Meowth or GrowlitheElectrikeyes multiple reportsCatch a skitty or poochyenaSnubbullyes multiple reportsCatch 5 pokemon with Weather BoostPoliwag & Vulpixyes both vulpix poliwagCatch a Dragon typeDratiniEvolve a meowthHondourEvolve a PokemonEeveeyesTransfer 10 PokemonMisdreavusyes - linkUse 5 berries to help catch a pokemonGirafarigyes - linkLand 3 curveballs in a rowSpindayes multiple reportsCatch 10 PokemonMagikarpyes multiple reportsCatch 5 electric pokemonMareepyes multiple reportsBattle in a GymMankeyyes multiple reportsWin 3 Gym BattlesJynxyes multiple reportsBattle in a gym 5 timesMachopyes multiple reportHatch an eggLanturn & exeggcuteyes -linkHatch 3 eggsMagmaryes multiple reportshatch 5 eggMake 5 nice throwsVoltorbyes multiple reportsMake 3 Great Throws in a rowOnixyes -linkMake 3 Great ThrowsGastlyyes multiple reportsMake 3 excellent Throws in a rowLarvitarPower up a Pokemon 5 timesSquirtle & Charmander & BulbasauryesUse a Super effective charge attack 7 timesElectabuzzWin a level 3 raid or higherDratiniyes multiple reportsItem QuestsQuestRewardConfirmed by UserBattle in a Gym1 ReviveBattle in a gym 5 times500 StardustMake 3 Great Throws3 razz berries, 200 StardustMake 3 great curveballs1 rare candyMake 2 nice curveball throws in a row1 pinap berryyes link in commentsMake 3 nice throws in a row2 Ultra BallsHatch 3 Eggs1 Rare Candyyes-linkCatch a Ditto3 Rare Candy, 2 golden razz berriesyes in commentsCatch a Dragon-type Pokemon2x golden razz berries, 3 Rare Candyyes - linkHatch 3 eggs1000 Stardust, 3x pinap berriesyes - link yes - linkCatch 10 Pokemon with weather boost5 Great Balls, 6 razz berriesWin a Raid500 Stardustyes -linkWin a level 3 raid or higher3x hyper potionmake an excellent throw2 Ultra Balls, 2x pinap berryEdit: Back online in 9 hours via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2M03S3Y
"Quest-Megathread 01.08.2018 Raikou Edition"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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