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"Bring Back Shinx!"

#PokemonGO: Subject explains the point of this post.Shinx has been removed from the current raid boss lineup. Your only chances of obtaining the little lynx kitten are through 10km eggs and a chance at a 10km egg dropping from the 50km/week adventure sync reward. And neither of those eggs 100% guaranteed. 50km reward egg is 50/50 IF you get a 10km egg to drop (and if you have space).No Shinx is not in the wild. Please do not compare the others in 10km with Shinx. If you don’t see the appeal of having Shinx, please continue scrolling. This post is entirely about the lynx kitten that so many others want.bringbackShinx via /r/pokemongo
"Bring Back Shinx!" "Bring Back Shinx!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:24 Rating: 5

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