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"Sinnoh Stone Drop Rate - research results"

#PokemonGO: Good news trainers!After a day of research, we now have a good idea how likely it is to get a "Sinnoh Stone" from your 7-day research breakthrough, which you use for some Gen 4 evolutions.RESULTS: 82 out of 346 got a Sinnoh Stone (23.7% chance)Thank you everyone who contributed!Some additional observations:The rate changed 2 days ago, previously it was a 100% drop rateI did not test whether having a stone in your bag affected the drop rate, but perusing the results I did not feel that it was a factorI kept an eye on the drop rate as the results were coming in, and I was surprised how consistent the results were as they came in, compared to the Shiny rate research that I've organized before.Participants did not sign up before hand. So there is some bias in the results, and I am not claiming that these results are exact. Some trainers may have been excited because they received a stone, others may have been excited to share the news that they did not receive a stone.I learned something new, I hadn't realized that the research breakthrough rewards were random.Other items you can get are 20 pokeballs, 3 rare candy, 5 pineap berries, or 5 ultra balls. And you always get stardust and XPI'm looking forward to the "extra avenues" of getting that stone![UPDATE] Some commenters have pointed out that the other 4 rewards are random and evenly distributed, so the actual drop rate may be 1 in 5 (20%), which makes sense to me. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Sinnoh Stone Drop Rate - research results" "Sinnoh Stone Drop Rate - research results" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:13 Rating: 5

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