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"Someone traded me a shiny graveler! I traded it back..."

Title pretty much says it all.I am playing PLGE and I'm attempting to complete the pokedex. I mostly need version exclusives and trade evolutions.I had been online for 30 minutes connecting with randoms and getting nowhere. Seriously people I don't need a pidgey...I finally got someone to take a bite on my machoke when they offered me a graveler. I quickly accepted. And then the trade sequence initiated and it was a shiny graveler!Then the guilt set in as it evolved lol. I told my fiance I couldn't keep it. I felt it was either someone who was too young to know the value of shinies or someone stuck with an unevolvable shiny.So I traded it back. They traded my machoke (now a machamp) back.I feel pretty mixed now. Did I do the right thing?Picture from pokedex as proof. via /r/pokemon
"Someone traded me a shiny graveler! I traded it back..." "Someone traded me a shiny graveler! I traded it back..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:49 Rating: 5

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