"Feebas Day - tips from Europe to maximise your chances"
#PokemonGO: Hello trainers. This is predominantly going to be a thread for people yet to do Feebas day - I'll let others give their personal experiences/feedback to Niantic elsewhere.Simply put, there's a few things I wish our group had known/prioritised I want to pass on. And obviously, if you haven't seen already, you should know shinies are completely random and challenging to find. This is not a community day and you should set expectations lower.With that said, on to the more focused tips to help maximise your chances.1. Tasks are time consuming. Your goal is to churn through as many as possible.I live in a town with around 150 stops and our group only completed tasks for about a third of them. We were concerned we'd run out of tasks or not find the 'right' ones. That will not be an issue. Each of the four tasks are common. Your main goal should simply be churning through as many as humanly possible. More stops = more chances of a hundo or shiny (or both, as I saw one person get).2. Catching tasks are best. Stack three of them. Bin the others.10 Great Throws / 15 Nice Throws are the two easiest tasks to complete. Set down lures in a central place and use basic Pokeballs to maximise throws per Pokemon. Use incense if you have it. Have a legendary task reward? Farm it with basic balls for good throws.You will bin a lot of the hatch an egg/walk a buddy candy tasks but that's fine - there are plenty of catch tasks out there and you'll find them easily if you...3. Keep moving.Keep finding stops with Catch tasks. Keep finding more Pokemon to catch. Finish a task? Replace it as soon as possible and then claim the Feebas reward - so your throws always count towards three tasks.4. Keep an eye on your eggs/buddy distance just in case.Several times I found myself binning a buddy candy task only to then see it tick over. It's not worth prioritising these, but if you are just about to tick over and you find one, take it as a bonus. Whack a 1km buddy Pokemon on for the event to maximise this.5. Don't get distracted.If you're really, really bad at Great throws, Groudon raids make it easy. Some people in our group decided to take time out to do one, but time in a lobby and battling is time not spent moving - catching and replacing tasks. Today saw huge numbers of people out, and as soon as people start turning up late/splitting into groups you're wasting even more time. Groudon are around for more than another week. Feebas tasks are not.6. When the event ends, you still have three more chancesCollected research tasks remain intact after the event ends. Try and finish any nearly complete before the end of the event and get three fresh ones as close to the end as possible to complete at your leisure.Tl;dr - The more tasks you complete, the better your chances. Prioritise, stack, and hope the odds are ever in your favour.Good luck, Trainers. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2FKicKu
"Feebas Day - tips from Europe to maximise your chances"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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