"Creative system for naming / labeling a Pokemon. Please take a look!"
#PokemonGO: I wanted to re-illuminate the fantastic idea presented by (/natsxdlageg) a month ago. Here is the original post (http://bit.ly/2GdEIvG). I felt that it didn't receive the spotlight it deserved, so here it is. Enjoy!I can't be the only one who thinks that naming a Pokemon is a tedious task. Having to include IV, move sets, and other relevant information in names has become a necessary task for organizing Pokemons. So why not expand the label category from JUST FAVORITE to multiple options?This was the alternative suggested by the original poster.(http://bit.ly/2G0NSwi you can see there are multiple categories, and a Pokemon is not restricted to a single category. For example, Scizor can be both the triangle and star.(http://bit.ly/2GdeRns each Pokemon can be searched based on its category, as each shape can represent different parameter of a Pokemon. A circle can represent 100IV, triangle can represent legacy movesets, square can represent raid movesets, and etc.I sincerely believe that this will allow me to finally give a proper nickname to my favorite Pokemons. No more 15/15/15/SD/SE for my Tyranitar.If you propose additional ideas related to this topic, I will make a note of it.(VeryHighEnergy): Increase the character limit of 12 when naming. This will help with including additional information when naming.(MunichFreak): Also use colors on top of different symbols. This would expand the number of labels by (# of symbols multiplied by # of colors) via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2CTHSBx
"Creative system for naming / labeling a Pokemon. Please take a look!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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