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"Does anyone else have absolutely rotten luck with these shiny events or is it just me?"

#PokemonGO: If it's against the rules, go ahead and remove.I dunno, it feels weird to complain about this because I'm certainly not entitled to any shiny announced, but it's hella disheartening when most of the people in your raid group are reporting double-digit shiny Castform with the most passive players getting one or two, and you got a whopping zero after four hours of walking around in a pokestop heavy area.. No shines on Treecko day, none on Clamperl day, none on Swinub day, none on Totodile day, none on any of the special raid days the past 6 months save a Lugia...I dunno, it seems shiny collection is a stressed point in this game for "completion" of the Pokedex (my main goal) and the algorithm hates me or something. Anyone else have luck this bad? Anything I could be doing to improve my odds on these community days? via /r/pokemongo
"Does anyone else have absolutely rotten luck with these shiny events or is it just me?" "Does anyone else have absolutely rotten luck with these shiny events or is it just me?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:12 Rating: 5

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