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"Thank you for a great event, Niantic."

#PokemonGO: Here is my review of this event.Lotad Field Research/Castform Community Day:1.) The Field Research activities all awarded Lotad with a chance at the shiny variant. They were plentiful and relatively easy to complete.2.) There was a plethora of Castform to catch for a chance at the shiny variant.3.) Along with completing tasks for Lotad and searching for Castform, there was an abundance of other interesting Poke'mon to catch (at least in California), such as Charmander, Sandshrew, Sunkern, and many others. These Poke'mon also had their shiny variants available for extra incentives. 🌠4.) The previous form of Giratina was available in raids, and was easily accessible while doing all of the other activities.5.) The event time of 11:00am - 8:00pm was a great decision, giving a window of time for almost anyone to participate. 👍I know Niantic as a whole gets a lot of criticism, but I wanted to take this chance to post my gratitude.If you work at Niantic and helped make this event come to fruition, from design to programming, marketing and communications - or anything else really - thank you.Thank you for making today a very fun day, because in the end, that's what this event was - fun. ☺ via /r/pokemongo
"Thank you for a great event, Niantic." "Thank you for a great event, Niantic." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:12 Rating: 5

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