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"List of Necessary QoL Updates"

#PokemonGO: After playing this game since release, I think there are many QoL updates they could implement that don't ruin the spirit of the game but make it a hell of a lot easier to do all the things we do on a daily basis:​- Sorting option or indication of friends that can receive a gift. I'm still just using nicknames for friends that are likely to open my gifts, and thus only rarely checking the others. This leads to overall a lower rate of gifts sent, and otherwise its just an absolute nuisance to go through every friend to see if they can receive a gift (when we can't even swipe through friends!) Just a simple indicator like the blue halo they added or the "sent gift today" arrow would be excellent, and it honestly baffles me they didn't add this the first time they overhauled the friend UI.(u/Tarcanus) Also change the list into a grid, with over 100 friends scrolling gets extremely tiring, with the only currently to shorten the list to use nicknames and the search function (which IMO isn't the way nicknames should be used).​- Getting quests from stops with a full bag. Especially during community day if you work hard to stock up on stuff you need but also want all the stops for the good quests to get more stuff, it just makes no sense because you end up having to throw away the stuff you just got. If Niantic are afraid of people overfilling their bag due to items from quests, just require a non-full bag to accept item quests, not to accept quests in general.​- Ability to resort the items bag. To this day I still accidentally click lucky eggs or incense because of the location they are at in my bag. It's horribly annoying, and just having a "Edit" button to shift where items go in the back would fix that issue immediately. Also, if they dont add the prior suggestion, having balls or berries at the top so I can dump them quick would be excellent.​- Ability to move your "Party"s around. I have no idea why the first team you make is the last in the queue, but being able to move them around based on what you're planning to do (raid, battle in gyms, etc) would make a lot more sense than having to delete then rebuild all your teams.​- Viewing moves during team selection. Currently the best way is to either nickname pokemon with their moveset or to search using the @ function. Those aren't bad alternatives, but just having a way to hold a pokemon to view their moveset would make a lot of sense.(u/Tarcanus) Potentially an entire rework of how pokemon pages look. Less cryptic with information and just let us know straight up levels, IVs, etc.​- Others have suggested this, but Pokemon Boxes. Scrolling down hundreds of lines is just bad, as it leads to clicking things accidentally, etc. The search system is very good, but just having a manual sorting system would be extremely efficient, and would likely lead to the ability to hold more pokemon (we all know the horror that keeping storage space maxed at 1500 was for so many people for so long). Not sure how possible this is as it would require a large rework to storage that could result in loss of data, so maybe not worth the risk, but would be great if possible.​- (u/Crabominibble) A "GO" button for private groups that everyone in the lobby can press to indicate the lobby is good to go and the wait time can be skipped. It's possible that the wait time is needed to load the raid itself, but in most likelyhood this fix shouldn't be hard to implement, and since it's for private lobbies it should also not lead to groups deliberately leaving someone out. The only problem I see now with this is actually if 1 player makes a private lobby then accidentally presses the GO button. But realistically that player could just quit the lobby and make/join a new one.​- (u/Swarley115) A marking system, something to indicate IVs or such that are just simple symbols you can turn "on" or "off" similar to the mainline games. This is typically done with just nicknames right now, but realistically, a nickname for a pokemon should not be "Tyranitar-SD/SE-15/15/15" lol​- (u/Tarcanus) Fix bugs in the battle system, leading to dodging or hitting when you don't intend. This might be less of a QoL fix and could potentially just have to do with the quality of phone people have, but something that's definitely worth looking into.​- (u/RyotoYokoyama) When powering up, select the amount of times you would like to power up. This would come with something that shows how much total stardust and candy you would need of course. The only reason I can see Niantic not implementing this is because it takes a way some of the "grind" to get high leveled pokemon, but isn't grinding the candy and stardust enough?​- (u/gallusq) After battling a gym, simply add an option to return to the battle, rather than going out of the gym and refighting. It just saves a bit of time, and for those who want to heal can obviously do so by clicking exit instead.​- (u/gallusq) Remember your settings if you log out and log in again. Some people play multiple accounts with one device, and it's not against ToS I believe as long as that one device is shared among multiple people. Thus, this is something that should conceivably be easy to do, but likely not priority b/c of ToS.​-(u/gabrielasslab) Add the evolution CP in the box "Do you want to evolve ___?" similar to how the CP is shown when you click power up. That actually makes a lot of sense and is inconceivable why one option has that information while the other does not.​-(u/valuequest) Change the use of valuable items (premium passes, lucky eggs, incense, etc) into SWIPE instead of TAP to confirm. This would result in much lower accidental use from miss-taps or muscle memory.​-( u/TakeThatJack) When actions are generally completed, return to the menu to repeat that action to make mass trading, picture-taking, battling gyms, accidentally cancelling adding to a gym, cancelling PvP, etc. a lot more convenient. Ie. after making a trade, return to the pokemon menu rather than the friend's menu (like in the mainline titles).​- Have the consumption of a raid pass happen AFTER a raid battle starts, not when you enter the lobby. This might be more of a rework than a QoL issue, but I don't see a point in having a lobby counter if in order to even enter the lobby to show interest you have to spend a pass.​Any other "easy" QoL fixes you think they should add? Personally those first 3 are the ones I want to see most, as they seem pretty easy to implement and shouldn't result in any game breaking bugs or exploits. Let me know and I can add them to this post, maybe a Niantic staff will see it and discuss in a meeting! via /r/TheSilphRoad
"List of Necessary QoL Updates" "List of Necessary QoL Updates" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:52 Rating: 5

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