"What's the furthest you've gone for a pokemon?"

#PokemonGO: Myself and my younger brother play together a lot. Gets us both out of the house, him some exercise etc. We live in a very rural village with only a sprinkling of pokestops, but there is a stop in the next village that always seems to have pokemon that are semi-rare to appear round here on it (ie starters, vulpix, ralts etc, all we really get here are rattatas, mr mime, the occasional whismur or weedle). The next village is around 2 and a half miles but when we saw that there was a Piplup there (which neither of us had at the time, we just started playing again after a long break) we walked it anyway.Tldr walked 2&a half miles for a Piplup. How far have you guys gone for a pokemon you really wanted? via /r/pokemongo http://bit.ly/2V0cihr
"What's the furthest you've gone for a pokemon?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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