"Best way to end the semester"

#PokemonGO: Had my last final exam of the semester this afternoon and saw that there was a raid going on in the next building as I was leaving. Nice and easy Shinx, good for some candy, a daily research stamp, and a blue moon shot at a shiny. Almost fell off the bench I was sitting on when he came up gold (good IV on him, too). I thought my day couldn't get any better, but I went for a late evening walk and stumbled onto a pretty in pink monkey while shiny checking the hordes of Aipoms this event is spawning. This is the first time outside of a community day that I've gotten more than one shiny in a single day.My beauties via /r/pokemongo http://bit.ly/2Hh5a7D
"Best way to end the semester"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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