"Game Freak, Pokémon and lack of ambition: this is a huge running problem that needs to stop."
The recent issues with the whole National Pokédex debacle have only been the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with the Pokémon series. Fans have always waited for the "Home Console mainline game", having probably huge hopes about them... It's just normal that this time around excuses won't be holding too well. I've been reading up a lot of discussions these last few hours, and I'd like to discuss about a few topics. Hopefully I format this well enough to make it bearable!3D Models and animationsThis one has been brought up a lot since, you know, the excuse of not putting in every Pokémon supposedly is to focus more on the already existing ones... So, let's remember first that it's a fact that Game Freak is NOT making any new models for old Pokémon: they were ALL made during development for X & Y in a way that would make them future-proof. At most, they'll be adding a few new animations here and there, but obviously glaring issues like this still won't be fixed.Remember: even without considering the fact that this is the highest grossing media franchise to exist, the budget to develop Pokémon games could be high enough to afford to reanimate every Pokémon for every game released. I mean, they DID model hundreds and hundreds of Pokémon for X and Y, games with a mobile budget - so they would DEFINITELY be able to afford proper animations. Yes, for every Pokémon. And as for adapting the already existing models to fit every Pokémon in? I don't know how much you know about game development, but it is not that difficult. The game wouldn't really need to be delayed one year if they ended up putting in every Pokémon, because most of the work (designing, modeling, balancing) has already been done. Just get a couple developers on it and in one month they'd have every Pokémon in.Quality of graphicsAnother huge disappointment. Back when Let's Go was announced, I was immensely let down by how it looked the same as Sun & Moon when upscaled on an emulator. But hey, everyone was saying how it was just temporary, how they didn't spend too much on making those games because Gen 8 was the big one! And now we still have games that look like upscaled 3DS ones. This sarcastic post shows it quite well: colors can look really washed out, the wild areas REALLY look like they lack a lot of detail, and Pokémon just pop in right when the camera is looking at the point they spawn from. And let's not even comment on the animation for Wingulls, which just float in the air without flapping their wings... The game could do so much more to look good with its artstyle, but it really seems like Game Freak would just settle with this. It's a huge disappointment, especially after games with locations as beautiful and detailed as Breath of the Wild or Xenoblade 2 came out on the same console.Everything is surface levelWhat do I mean? Take the new wild areas. Everyone is going crazy about them - and they do have a lot of potential! - but they need to be handled well. What if they just end up being huge empty spaces (seems like it from what we've seen so far, btw) with Pokémon wandering around, and no secrets or incentive to actually explore? Will Game Freak actually make them interesting, or will they do the bare minimum to say "Hey, look at the new shiny thing!" and be done with it, like they've always done?Mega Evolutions. Z Moves. Dynamaxing. These are known as gimmicks, and for a reason. They add them in (all as "you can use them only once per battle!") and forget about them after a bit. But really, what do they do? "They make your Pokémon a bit better". "They make your move a bit better". "They make your Pokémon a bit better, but in an uninteresting way". They all lack depth: what if a Mega Evolution changed some moves into others, for example? Guess we'll never know, since the whole mechanic has been abandoned. Why should I care for Dynamax, if all it does is give a boring stat boost, and it'll be thrown away in Gen 9? Game Freak needs to stop throwing things away and instead build upon what they already have to make it better and more interesting.Always the bare minimum effortHonestly, Pokémon fans must be among the fandoms with the lowest expectations, and for a reason. Why are all NPCs still super stiff with animations, moving and turning as if they were in a grid and couldn't perform two actions at a time? Why does no one expect smaller side-missions and side-stories you could partecipate in during the main story? Why was Let's Go's lack of difficulty options justified with "It's for new players!" when a choice between a "New Player Mode" and an "Experienced Player Mode" wouldn't have hurt any newbie? Why is lag during battles still expected? Why is a more involved, exploration based overworld (including more actions like jumping) not requested?What I'm saying is, the Pokémon series doesn't need to try and be something it's not. But all these improvements would only make the game more fun - and yet, every fan is so used to Game Freak's lack of ambition that nobody even has expectations anymore. It takes something crazy like removing half the Pokémon to make people mad.Look, I'm sorry if I wrote so much. I just thought I'd take the chance of the community being actually mad for once to say this: the games have been REALLY low effort for a while, doing the bare minimum every time. Even if they DID announce that they'd delay the game but put every Pokémon back in... I still don't feel like it would be alright to justify all these issues. Lag, 3DS graphics on the Switch, and so on are all issues that I'd expect fixed on a Home Console game that costs more than the previous ones. I guess only time will tell. via /r/pokemon http://bit.ly/31tsabH
"Game Freak, Pokémon and lack of ambition: this is a huge running problem that needs to stop."
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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