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"Why does my Switch command fail often in Rocket Battles?"

#PokemonGO: Just did a battle against a random set. So when I sent Ttar out against Bulbasaur, I wanted to switch mons out to my Dragonite. I lost over half my Ttar health by the time Dnite got out there because I had to try twice to switch.I've also been having issues where I am kicked out to the overworld when I am in the middle of team building, and once I got kicked out before my inventory could even load to team build. I assume those are just memory leak issues people have been reporting? via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Why does my Switch command fail often in Rocket Battles?" "Why does my Switch command fail often in Rocket Battles?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:56 Rating: 5

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