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"Whenever I go to a park old people tell me to get off my phone"

#PokemonGO: A few weeks ago I was walking with my brothers at a magnemite nest and an old dude came up to us and told us that “you can’t be on your phone on a nature walk.” We app just awkwardly laughed and went away from him. Then a few days later(same park) we were doing a giratina raid sitting down on a BENCH and an old lady literally told us “wow such a beautiful day and you three are on your phones, makes me so sad.” That was another wtf moment. Would they rather us be at home playing video games than actually exercising while having fun?? I don’t get why people care if we’re on our phones having fun. Am I the only one that this happens to? via /r/pokemongo
"Whenever I go to a park old people tell me to get off my phone" "Whenever I go to a park old people tell me to get off my phone" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:47 Rating: 5

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