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"Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?"

This trend started since Gen 6 and while I think Rillaboom is a neat design I think forcing anthropomorphic features to show a concept they're going for needs to stop, some starters have suffered in design for this, like Delphox and Intellion.Below are the list of final evos and their concepts,Venusaur - a frog-like dinosaur with a giant plant on its backCharizard - fire breathing dragonBlastoise - tortoise with mounted cannonsMeganium - long neck dinosaur with plant featuresTyphlosion - a wolverine/porcupine hybrid with flamesFeraligatr - a feral alligatorSceptile - a reptile with plant-like featuresBlaziken - a fighting chickenSwampert - mudfishTorterra - tortoise with a continent on its shellInfernape - A fire monkey possibly inspired by the Japanese myth of Son GokuEmpoleon - an emperor pengiunSerperior - a leafy snake with some inspiration of nobilityEmboar - fire pig, possibly inspired by Chinese storiesSamurott - an otter using shells as swords like a samuraiChesnaught - an armadillo grass knightDelphox - a fox witch with fireGreninja - a ninja frog with water; the three Gen 6 starters possibly covers for the three common classes in RPGs, the knight, the mage and the rogueDecidueye - Robin Hood but more owl and grassIncineroar - inspired by 'heel' wrestlersPrimarina - inspired by sirens/mermaidsRillaboom - not sure but drumming and being loud is a thing in the Uk?Cinderace - inspired by UK's love of footballIntellion - James Bond spy theme via /r/pokemon
"Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?" "Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:53 Rating: 5

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