"Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?"

This trend started since Gen 6 and while I think Rillaboom is a neat design I think forcing anthropomorphic features to show a concept they're going for needs to stop, some starters have suffered in design for this, like Delphox and Intellion.Below are the list of final evos and their concepts,Venusaur - a frog-like dinosaur with a giant plant on its backCharizard - fire breathing dragonBlastoise - tortoise with mounted cannonsMeganium - long neck dinosaur with plant featuresTyphlosion - a wolverine/porcupine hybrid with flamesFeraligatr - a feral alligatorSceptile - a reptile with plant-like featuresBlaziken - a fighting chickenSwampert - mudfishTorterra - tortoise with a continent on its shellInfernape - A fire monkey possibly inspired by the Japanese myth of Son GokuEmpoleon - an emperor pengiunSerperior - a leafy snake with some inspiration of nobilityEmboar - fire pig, possibly inspired by Chinese storiesSamurott - an otter using shells as swords like a samuraiChesnaught - an armadillo grass knightDelphox - a fox witch with fireGreninja - a ninja frog with water; the three Gen 6 starters possibly covers for the three common classes in RPGs, the knight, the mage and the rogueDecidueye - Robin Hood but more owl and grassIncineroar - inspired by 'heel' wrestlersPrimarina - inspired by sirens/mermaidsRillaboom - not sure but drumming and being loud is a thing in the Uk?Cinderace - inspired by UK's love of footballIntellion - James Bond spy theme via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/2DuZl3S
"Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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