"My Full DP/Pt Remake Wish List"

Sinnoh was my all-time favorite region even though I didn’t start with Gen 4. With the increasing likelihood of Gen 4 remakes, I’m hoping they make them well. They aren’t creating a new region or designing new pokemon, so I want to expect more since HGSS and ORAS (to a lesser extent) were well-made. This might just be REALLY wishful thinking, but hey I was bored and had time lol.This is all solely my opinion. You're free to disagree and feel free to comment on why. If you have other things you'd like to see in the Gen 4 remakes, comment below too!Main Storyline Wish List:No handholding. Let us discover and figure out where to go. Maybe give us some freedom on the order of gyms, like in Kanto, although this might be harder since DP/Pt was very story-driven. None of the agonizing tutorial cutscenes that we had in Sun/Moon. Or let us skip them. That was the worst.“HM Puzzles” without the HMs. Attach an HM function to your bike. Imagine being able to passively surf, push boulders, climb waterfalls, or rock climb with your bike. Imagine shining your bike light in dark caves or foggy areas. Content-lock these bike features behind points in the story if necessary rather than force us to carry these HMs on our pokemon.Platinum storyline. If you HAVE to remake DP and not Platinum (even though I’d rather they remake Pt), please incorporate as much Platinum as possible, like how HGSS incorporated Crystal. Give us the Distortion world. Let us catch both box legendaries (Dialga/Palkia) like we could get both Ho-oh and Lugia in HGSS.More open-world and overworld features. Maybe expand the Safari zone into a bigger open-world, like the Wild Area. Maybe have national dex pokemon start appearing after you reach post-game.Bring back Super Contests! You don’t need to bring back the dance portion lol.Incorporating hidden “easter eggs” and “prizes” that reward exploring. The magic of the older games was figuring out all the neat little things of the game, like the Spiritomb tower. Give us reasons to revisit old routes/caves.Becoming the Pokemon Champion should be canon after the first victory. Call subsequent rematches “title defense matches”, like in Sun/Moon and Sw/Sh. The Elite 4 and Cynthia can challenge us for the title back. I also love how NPCs and Nurse Joy refer to you as “Champion” in the post-game.Have the Pokemon League battles (Elite 4, Champion, Champion title defense) in a giant, televised stadium like in Sword and Shield. That was honestly my favorite part about Gen 8. Made it seem like this Champion title was a big deal and the battles felt more alive.Pokedex Wish List:Expand the Sinnoh regional dex. Now with 4 more generations of pokemon, there’s no excuse to not add some more fire types. There’s so much creativity in how you can incorporate Gen 5, 6, 7 pokemon into Sinnoh.Give us the FULL national dex. If you have to cut out stuff, cut out useless stuff like pokemon memories and curry dex. We want our favorite pokemon back. Remakes of DP/Pt won’t add a whole lot in general since Gen 4 was pretty modern already, so focus on really bringing back ALL the pokemon.Let pokemon follow us. Most of the pokemon should already be able to follow us since Sw/Sh had it already. Maybe improve it a bit since Sw/Sh follow looked kinda weird lol.Post-game Wish List:A “Delta episode” in the post-game for a mythical pokemon that wasn’t originally obtainable in the original DP/Pt, like Arceus or Darkrai, like how Deoxys was made obtainable in ORAS.Battle FRONTIER, not Battle Tower. Don’t pull an ORAS and give us our beloved Battle Frontier.Expand the Battle Zone and make it similar to the Crown Tundra with many open-world, overworld national dex pokemon encounters.Incorporate legendary pokemon from other regions into post-game lore, like how HGSS and Crown Tundra did. Maybe bring back Team Galactic in the post-game and incorporate them somehow?Gym leader rematchesA way to battle other region champions/gym leaders, like in PWT.Replace Pal Park with more “wild areas” to catch national dex pokemon and explore.Customization Wish List:Keep trainer customization/fashion from X/Y. I love being able to customize my character. With Pokemarts being incorporated into Pokemon Centers, you can put some clothing stores and hair salons where Pokemarts used to be. Also more options for guys (PLEASE).Return of Pokeball seals!Return of underground secret bases. Having your own “space” you can decorate is great and easily lets players sink many hours, especially with how easy the switch can connect with others.Incorporate Pokétch back! It won’t be the same without the dual-screen but some of the apps were really nice. Maybe the L or R buttons can easily pull it up? Also please modernize the look so it doesn't look pixelated. Not ALL the apps have to come back, but there were some really useful ones, like the pedometer, memo pad, counter, friendship checker, and daycare checker.Let us ride bikes in our normal clothes lol. I don’t spend hours making my character look cute just to be wearing a full triathlon suit and helmet 95% of the time.Logistics wishlist:Sword/Shield “Save” speed. Honestly, saving a game in less than 3 seconds is revolutionary. None of that “Saving a lot of data” business.More speed in general. No Heracross x Blissey HP speed. No DP surfing speed.VS Seeker. I miss rechallenging trainers. It was a fun way to EV train and also made routes revisit-able.Optional EXP share (if you have to include it). Please let DP/Pt stay true to the difficulty of the original games. Give Cynthia her perfect 6 31 IV team. I understand some people hate grinding, so make EXP share optional. Make gym leaders and the pokemon league have higher levels and bigger, more evolved teams if we want to encourage its use.Sword/Shield quality of life features. Sw/Sh had a lot of issues but their QoL features were very nice. These include:Move relearner/deleter in every Pokemon center with no heart scale requirementEV-point erasing NPCOptional auto-save (saved my life so many times)Taxi service around the entire region without needing FlyMore fly sites than just large cities (eg. Daycare, middle of large routes, etc.)Customizable UI where we can reorder our menuDestiny knot breeding mechanicsMints for naturesSatisfying Easter egg end to "Mindy". Maybe Team Galactic stole her Medicham a few years ago or something lol (it's okay if you don't get the reference)I didn't include riding pokemon that we had in LGPE because I don’t know how realistic it is to expect that when there was only a handful of rideable pokemon. I also personally prefer the bike because you can't ride pokemon in smaller spaces.I'm also not going to talk about gimmicks (mega-evolutions, Z-moves, Dynamax) because there are players who like and hate each of these. I'll let GF/TPC decide what they want to bring back. via /r/pokemon https://ift.tt/3nSij96
"My Full DP/Pt Remake Wish List"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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