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"How to get MORE Ball Capsules & Unlock the Secret Chamber of Solaceon Ruins"

Video version hereOne of the strangest species of Pokemon in my eyes are the Unown. They were introduced in Gold and Silver as the first Pokemon to have different forms; 26 to be exact, one to represent each letter of the English alphabet. Later in Generation 3’s FireRed and LeafGreen, two new forms were introduced totalling 28. Soon after in Diamond and Pearl, we once again got a mysterious location full of these creatures. For the first time in over ten years, we are able to rediscover the Unown in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. In this guide, I’ll teach you where to find the 26 alphabetical forms and how to access the secret room with the final evasive forms.The mysterious location spoken of is posted in central Sinnoh; The small and humble Solaceon Town. If you make your way to the Northeast area in this town, you will find a set of ledges to consecutively hop over. This will lead you to the Solaceon Ruins.There are 7 floors to these maze-like ruins with the first floor being an introduction. These ruins are a labyrinth of crossing rooms so be prepared when entering here with an Escape Rope in hand. Out of the 26 Unown forms, the easiest to catch are the F, R, I, E, N, and D forms. Each “main room” of the floors have one of these forms and nothing else.So, to get the F form first, from the main entrance room, enter the stairs in the upper right. This is the room I will call Main Room 1, and in this room you can find the F Unown by running around. Once caught, Go deeper into the ruins by taking the stairs in the lower left. In Main Room 2, you will be able to find the R form. The top right staircase will lead you to the next room which contains the I form. After catching it, follow that up with the top left staircase for the E form in Main Room 4. Penultimately, the top left staircase again will take you to Main Room 5, home of the N form. Lastly, the lower left set of stars will guide you to the final room, Main Room 6, and the precious D form Unown.Once you’ve captured those 6, It gets a little more hit-or-miss on finding specific forms. Use that escape rope to get out of here. Upon re-entering the Ruins, make your way to the staircase in the upper left. You can find the remaining 20 Unown forms in this room or any of the other similar small dead-end rooms like this one, each with a 5% chance of encountering. I hope you’re not claustrophobic as you’ll be in this room for a little while. Here are a couple tips and pointers to make this as easy as possible for you:1) Buy some Honey from Floaroma Meadow and use this to force encounters. It’s a lot easier than trying to run around in the tiny room.2) I recommend using Repeat Balls as you’re literally catching the same Pokemon over and over again.3) I suggest keeping the Unown organized alphabetically in your PC to know which ones you are still missing.After about an hour or so, you should be pretty close to completing your list, and once you have all 26 alphabetical forms, fly on over to Veilstone City. Make your way South into Route 214, and soon you’ll find this entrance to the cave. This cave, named the Maniac Tunnel, contains a man who loves to dig. This Ruin Maniac will propose a race; he will dig straight through mountain as you capture different Unown. The cave will lengthen based on how many different forms you’ve captured. The video referenced above shows footage of the Cave's progress. With all 26 forms of Unown at your disposal, the Ruin Maniac will dig straight through to reveal a secret entrance to the hidden chamber in Solaceon Ruins. In this chamber, you will find the only location of obtaining the ! and ? forms of Unown.After your hard work, step outside the second story of the Ruins for a beautiful scenic view.Oh one last thing I’d like to mention before closing out – There is another benefit to these Unown forms! If you’ve talked to the boy inside the Ruins Main Room 1, he will return to his house just outside of Solaceon. From the Pokemon Center, make your way towards the Ruins but hop down the second set of ledges. In this house you can talk to the boy and if you show him your forms, he will give you extra Ball Capsules to use, with a final total of 24. He even has a small comment when you show him all forms.This was a fun video to make as the last time I caught all of the Unown forms was for a nearly identical video for Platinum I made just a few months ago. It was fun to explore the Maniac Tunnel and see the Digging Maniac expand and break through the Ruins wall. Hope you enjoyed! via /r/pokemon
"How to get MORE Ball Capsules & Unlock the Secret Chamber of Solaceon Ruins" "How to get MORE Ball Capsules & Unlock the Secret Chamber of Solaceon Ruins" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:32 Rating: 5

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