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"Going from Generation 1 Yellow to Generation 2 Crystal is a shock in big a upgrade both visually and mechanically"

So I know I am probably a bit late to be talking about 20 plus years too late.​But I just finished up my first first generation 1 Pokemon game on my 3DS in Pokemon Yellow and I decided to move onto Crystal on the 3DS as I bought them both before the eshop closes.(As a aside I have played both their remakes in Fire Red and Soul Silver, but I had never played the originals and wanted to play them for some quasi nostalgia)(Aside Aside I freaking hate the final champion fight in yellow if you have been smoking your rival every time, as it took me several tries to take him and his OP Jolteon down),​But starting Crystal this morning and its kind of shocking how much has improved.The sprites are more dynamic, actually seeming to have multiple frames of animation, the colors pop more then Yellow, the menus look much cleaner, so many mechanics added in like the time/genders and this is going to sound petty but the little bar for the EXP is so easy to follow how quickly my pokemon are leveling up.​I know I am very late to talk about this, but if I am noticing this years later, I can only imagine how amazing it was for fans back in the day when they first got it.​Now I just got to decide how much of my Soul Silver team I recreate here.Typhlosion, Dragonite and Jolteon are pretty likely as they were heavy hitters .Crobot and the Togepi line are less likely, as while Crobat is good stats wise, its kind of a master of none and no Togekiss this time around and even in SS, Togekiss was kind of weak.Uncertain if I will go to the effort to get a Tyranitar again. Unless I am mistaken it takes all 16 pages to even poke Mt Silver with a stick and hope i get one of his pre-evolutions. via /r/pokemon
"Going from Generation 1 Yellow to Generation 2 Crystal is a shock in big a upgrade both visually and mechanically" "Going from Generation 1 Yellow to Generation 2 Crystal is a shock in big a upgrade both visually and mechanically" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5

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