"You should be tilted as fuck guys. (Roe v wade)"

#PokemonGO: First let me say, we are not a political sub, and outside of issues that have directly impacted the game (Covid shit for example), or reddit itself (we have participated in blackouts over reddit issues before to give strength to the causes) we don't really mess with that because we want the sub to be about the game.Political rules are obviously suspended for this post, keep it fucking civil towards each other.Everything expressed below is my personal opinion, I am doing this without the input of the other mods (they are free to give some though if they want)I personally feel that it is unconscionable to not address the political climate and issues in America (I know we are a global sub), as this is a huge community and these issues impact so many of us.Roe V. Wade being overturned should have every single one of you tilted as fuck. Even if you dgaf about reproductive rights because you're a dude, or abstinent, or gay/lesbian, or whatever reason, it goes so far beyond that. The ruling has evaporated the idea of constitutional privacy. It deleted the right to bodily autonomy. Justice Thomas is already calling to revisit previous cases based on these ideas. This is not some slippery slope fallacy, it is happening in real time, today, yesterday, and tomorrow.I am gonna copy paste some excerpts from the first few pages of the supreme court ruling here just to show exactly my angle concerning the privacy and autonomy bits, skip to the line break if you already know or dgaf"Roe held that the abortion right is part of a right to privacy that springs from the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. ""Roe termed this a right to privacy, 410 U. S., at 154, and Casey described it as the freedom to make “intimate and personal choices” that are “central to personal dignity and autonomy,” ""(2) The quality of the reasoning. Without any grounding in the constitutional text, history, or precedent, Roe imposed on the entire country a detailed set of rules for pregnancy divided into trimesters much like those that one might expect to find in a statute or regulation. ""But Roe conflated the right to shield information from disclosure and the right to make and implement important personal decisions without governmental interference. ""The Solicitor General suggests that overruling Roe and Casey would threaten the protection of other rights under the Due Process Clause." (14th amendment)"Abortion presents a profound moral question.""Then, in 1973, this Court decided Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113. Even though the Constitution makes no mention of abortion, the Court held that it confers a broad right to obtain one. ""We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision,""It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives. " ""It held that the abortion right, which is not mentioned in the Constitution, is part of a right to privacy, which is also not mentioned""There are talks of forming underground railroads to help women get to safe states, there are protests all around the country, and believe it or not, all around the world (Australia for example) over this. Yall get tilted (rightfully so) when Niantic takes away quality of life features. So get fucking tilted when America is taking away rights. Direct that anger and rage I see so often here towards something useful.PokemonGo fucking vote, PokemonGo fucking protest, PokemonGo stand at your capitol and catch some mons while holding a goddam sign, PokemonGo start a goddamn revolution. Just do something. Those that support the right, AND those that are apolitical are complicit in the erosion of our rights and safety as Americans.Talk to your communities, be PokemonGo political, Let every person you interact with fucking know this shit is not OK.Silence is no longer an option. Inaction is no longer neutral. Did mother fuckin 10 year old Ash Ketchum stand back and watch team rocket take over the world? No he fought them every chance he had.PokemonGo and stand up for your rights.EDIT: Complaints about this breaking rule 2 are being removed. Contribute to the conversation or go away. The mod team is aware this post is up. It is staying up. via /r/pokemongo https://ift.tt/cby3Uiw
"You should be tilted as fuck guys. (Roe v wade)"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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