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"I try to give everyone 8 hours in a gym. Should I stop doing this? The favor is rarely returned."

#PokemonGO: I usually make sure the longest staying pokemon in a gym has at least 8 hours because I find it rude to kick people who JUST recently took the gym over. However, I am frequently kicked within minutes of taking over a gym. I started keeping a list of people who kick me immediately and I was just targeting them for immediate kick-outs. But it's so common I'm considering no longer extending this courtesy. Would that make me a jerk? via /r/pokemongo
"I try to give everyone 8 hours in a gym. Should I stop doing this? The favor is rarely returned." "I try to give everyone 8 hours in a gym. Should I stop doing this? The favor is rarely returned." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5

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