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"PSA on: APK downloads"

#PokemonGO: I'm seeing tons of new APK mirror question posts so lets clear this up with one post (probably not but thats ok). All you need to know about APK downloads.Yes you 100% can get the real download early using this method and not get banned.Yes you 100% can accidentally grab a modded download and get banned. usually asks you to install instead of update if it's not a correct update fileThe only info you personally will have to determine this (aside from posts) is your own experience level with apk files. So if if if you are going to do this and don't want to get the ban hammer do a few things.Do your research on what are or are not "reputable" apk mirror sites apkmirror isn't bad usually.Link a mod had said was ok HERE This is still at your own risk I claim no responsibility if this does something bad for you :DLearn how to check the file to verify you have the correct un modded file. Many people have posted the new dl footprint id but there are other ways to scan and look at files to reduce your risk. I wont go over them all google it if you want to know more...Darthslothtoast posted: Here is some basic info on what an .apk file is for those who might want to learn a little about how apps are downloaded or updated on their device, whether it be from the Play Store or other source: after you understand how to get the download and check the download should you install it.Assuming an update is in roll out mode there is no possible way for niantic to know how you obtained it because of how the store rolls things out. That said if you 100% want to avoid ever accidentally messing up the process and getting banned wait the whopping 2 days it takes an update to roll out and get it from the store. No update ever for any mobile game; will likely be so critical that it will put you irreparably behind in the game if you sit on your butt and wait for the official dl.I will update OP if people post other useful information in comment section as I have time via /r/TheSilphRoad
"PSA on: APK downloads" "PSA on: APK downloads" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:40 Rating: 5

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