"Thought: The Power of Community Through Lures: They Should Be Cheaper!"
#PokemonGO: Alright, so I am a little worried about the current state of PoGo and the dwindling player base. I was trying to figure out why a lot of people around me are quitting and why the parks aren't as lit as they used to be, and I think one major factor is lure cost.When players only way to get lures is through $$$ or owning gyms (of which the max is 10) you are hamstrung to 800 coins a week through diligent alarm setting and taxing gymming. However, that really only affords you just shy of 10 lures. Most people however, can't hold gyms that long and unless you have a team of high level gymmers that you play with (I'm thankful that I do!) you are stuck spending money on the game, and the numbers add up fast!I've thought up some solutions to this that might help the problem:Have an infinite lure with a 24 hour cooldown that you get at level 20 or something.Have a "Module Monday" where Modules are sold at a discount in the store.Have a soft cap instead of a hard cap on gym reward coins. This would also help with some of the gym stagnation problems I see mentioned around here.Anyway, I wish we could get Niantic's attention on stuff like this, but the equation is simple: Less Lures = Less people gathering to play pokemon = less community = less people peer pressuring you to spend money on the game = less money for Niantic = Less future fun for us. via /r/TheSilphRoad http://ift.tt/2cTJPyJ
"Thought: The Power of Community Through Lures: They Should Be Cheaper!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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