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"[improvement] a "magikarp" for urban biomes?"

#PokemonGO: When I think about my Pokemon Go experience, I realize I've never felt bad about catching a Magikarp.That's strange, on the face of it. Gyarados is a 400 candy evolution. Catching a single Magikarp means almost nothing, except that my progress towards a better set of gym Pokemon is non-zero. At the end of the day, that's enough.We've all been to a neighborhood with the "urban trash" biome of pidgeys, rattattas, sentrets, and other "non-competitive" pokemon. Catching Pokemon in this biome just feels bad because there's nothing usable in a gym. And, upon reflection, I propose that the urban trash biome needs its own "Magikarp."Until recently, this was Eevee, but now Eevee appears to be rare in my biome. If Eevee were twice as common but were a 50 candy evolution, I think I'd be much happier to open my phone. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"[improvement] a "magikarp" for urban biomes?" "[improvement] a "magikarp" for urban biomes?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:17 Rating: 5

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