"[Discussion] A little more praise for something right Niantic did this Community Day. The catch 3 Mareep field research was awesome!"

#PokemonGO: I was looking through my bag this morning and realized I had over 70 Great Balls and 120 Ultra Balls. In addition, I'm now sitting on a nice reserve of 85 Pinap Berries. Not to mention, I'm confidant I got at least 8,000 extra stardust just doing what I would have been doing anyways.All that to say, Niantic has been doing a lot of good lately, and of the things that they've been doing lately this deserves some recognition.Thanks Niantic for some awesome stuff that we got doing what we would have been doing anyways! via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2JN14TU
"[Discussion] A little more praise for something right Niantic did this Community Day. The catch 3 Mareep field research was awesome!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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