"Pokemon Strictly Better than Aggron vs. Mewtwo"

#PokemonGO: Seeing how many people complained about TDO on counters with higher DPS, I wanted to find counters to Mewtwo that are faster DPS AND higher TDO. If everyone used these instead of Aggron, they would do more damage and survive longer, meaning faster raids and less revives. I used L30 counters, who are easily accessible for just about anyone with an Aggron. Also, special note for B/C T-tar, who has higher TDO than Blissey and is a top counter.So using Pokebattlers numbers our baseline Aggron against an unknown moveset is:2575 CPIron Tail/Heavy SlamTotal Damage Output (TDO): 289Time to Win (TTW):1783sThings better than this:Gyarados -- 2812CP B/C 290 TDO 1448s TTWGardevoir -- 2541CP CB/SB 291 TDO 1435s TTWRaikou -- 2870CP TS/WC 296 TDO 1426s TTWDragonite -- 3070CP DT/dragon 291-299 TDO 1399-1453s TTWAlolan Muk -- 2322CP any/DP 298-310 TDO 1446-1554s TTWVaporeon -- 2706CP WG/HP (310 TDO 1652 TTW or WG/AT (296 TDO 1732 TTW)Entei -- 2895CP any/any 294-325 TDO 1504-1668 TTWHoundoom -- 2168CP any/not FB 292-330 TDO 1192-1536 TTWHo-oh -- 3334CP SW/any 325-337 TDO 1699-1731 TTWMetagross -- 3118CP BP/FC 344 TDO 1682 TTWLatios -- 3124CP DB/any (289-345 TDO 1429-1768s TTW) or ZH/DC 309 TDO 1644s TTWMew -- 2649CP SC/any (313-347 TDO 1474-1699 TTW), I/DP (339 TDO 1533s TTW), SB/DP (332 TDO 1576s TTW), or S/DP (338 TDO 1535s TTW)Groudon -- 3492CP any/any 316-350 TDO, 1487-1695s TTWKyogre -- 3492CP any/any 319-357 TDO, 1410-1586s TTWSnorlax -- 2876CP L/HB (360 TDO 1677s TTW) or L/BS (337 TDO 1771 TTW)Latias -- 2895CP DC/O (363 TDO 1492s TTW), DC/T (328 TDO 1687s TTW), or ZH/O (327 TDO 1776 TTW)Mewtwo -- 3413CP any/not FB or P 293-408 TDO 1067-1655s TTWLugia -- 3084CP any/SA 435-443 TDO 1795-1763s TTWTyranitar -- 3146CP any/not FB (351-475 TDO 1110-1695s TTW) or B/FB (397 TDO 1360s TTW)TL;DR: There are plenty of strictly better options than Aggron. B/C T-tar is better than Blissey in TDO. If people are too lazy to check moves, Entei, Kyogre, and Groudon are better than Aggron irrespective of moveset. via /r/TheSilphRoad https://ift.tt/2y0Iwe5
"Pokemon Strictly Better than Aggron vs. Mewtwo"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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