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"Reasons why the currently increased Kanto spawns can REALLY help over the coming months!"

#PokemonGO: With the increased Kanto spawns at the moment, there are a large number of reasons why capitalising on this event can help a lot of casual, rural, or “limited game time” players.I’m what I would call semi-casual. I don’t have a lot of time to play, but when I do get to play, I can often spend the whole day wandering and playing. As a result, I’ve got a lot of the regular achievements, like the gold type medals, and a reasonable number of candies saved up for Gen IV, but when we get there, I’ve still got a few Pokémon to catch up on.Here are the reasons why the current event can REALLY help with the releases that may come by the end of the year:1 - Increased Gastly and Dratini spawns allow us to get possibly the best catch rate for ghost and dragon types to date. Using these to get the gold dragon and ghost medals mean we will have the best possible catch rate when Giritina, a Ghost and Dragon type legendary from Gen IV comes into raids. Make the most of these spawns while you can!2 - Candy hoard, candy hoard, candy hoard! I live very far away from any biome that commonly spawns ground or rock types, with this, increased Rhyhorn spawns gives me and many other players the ability to stock up on candy and good IV mons for one of the most meta-relevant pokes in all of Sinnoh, Rhyperior. In addition, high Magnemite spawns pushes our ability to get Magnezone, high Porygon spawns will help us get Porygon Z, and while I haven’t seen any increased spawns of Magmar and Electabuzz yet, I’m hoping we’ll see some of those too which can help us for some slightly weaker, but non-legendary Entei and Raikou alternatives in Magmortar and Electivire respectively.3 - Didn’t play in 2016 when it was MUCH easier to find Chansey and Lapras? Well the spawns for these have been HUGELY increased, helping to complete your dex with Lapras and your gym defender squad by hoarding the Chansey candy and evolving an army of Blisseys.4 - SHINIES. While we can see that we have some new shinies added to our games, if you weren’t around for the fossil event, or the earlier community days, or event the water event, you now have a huge opportunity to catch up with the increased spawns. I didn’t get to play much during the fossil event and only managed to get lucky on the Kabuto, but on my commute today I saw about a dozen Omanyte, very uncommon for my area, and even got a shiny! Here’s a list of all the previous Gen I shinies that should be getting a spawn boost right now so you can go crazy and add to your collection;ShellderMagikarpOmanyteKabutoAerodactylBulbasaurCharmanderSquirtlePikachuGrowlitheEeveeDratiniAs well as some newly confirmed shinies now spawning! These include:GrimerGeodudeAnd potentially more to come!This is a monster event, considering all these points don’t even consider the regional eggs, the legendary birds or Mewtwo. I know a lot of people were upset or disappointed by the event, but regardless of the event “diluting your accomplishments” for whatever reason, with these increased spawns we should all be able to get a HUGE takeaway from the coming weeks!Edit: formatting via /r/pokemongo
"Reasons why the currently increased Kanto spawns can REALLY help over the coming months!" "Reasons why the currently increased Kanto spawns can REALLY help over the coming months!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:59 Rating: 5

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