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"Good Attackers without STAB"

#PokemonGO: Does anyone have a list or a link to site where I can get infos on attack-sets that are viable even though the pokemon lacks STAB?Example: Mewtwo with Shadow Ball is top tier when looking at Ghost-Attackers; even though there is no STAB bonus.Edit: I‘d mark this as answered, but I can‘t for the life of me figure out how.Answer:Viable non-STAB attackers: - Mewtwo: Icebeam / Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball (/ + Focus Blast I guess) - Groudon: Solar BeamNotable mentions: - Sceptile with Fury Cutter (Single STAB only; still strong bug attack) - Gardevoir with Charge Beam (To charge Dazzling Gleam faster) - Gardevoir with Charge Beam and Shadow Ball vs Mewtwo - Bite/Snarl + Wild Charge Arcanine as a Gym surprise - Ho-Oh in certain match-ups - Bite/Crunch Gyarados as Tyranitar substitute - Legacy Dragon Gyarados (Dragon Tail / Outrage) - Double fighting Ursaring against Blissey (no weakness) - Kyogre + Blizzard - Dragon Tail / Hydro Pump Salamence - Latios & Solar Beam - Sucker Punch Gengar - Shadow Claw / Dark Pulse Mew (or Dragon/Ghost/Ice/Grass/Electric typings) - Play Rough Donphan - Rayquaza with Ancient Power (Solar Beam Ho-Oh counter) via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Good Attackers without STAB" "Good Attackers without STAB" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:16 Rating: 5

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