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"The reason I will never spend money on Pokemon Go again."

#PokemonGO: It's no secret that the TPC and Niantic partnership has had problems since day one. Between huge bugs, game design flaws and flopped events, we are always in a constant expectation of underwhelming attitudes from the company.There are many reasons to compliment some of their attitudes in the past year. We have seen solid feedback to community requests, implementation of new content like weather, quests, friendship and trade. This is not something I am overlooking while making this post. I am really thankful for the constant release of new content!But instead of talking about new content, let's talk about some problems Niantic/TPC seem to absolutely refuse to address after YEARS of complaints and feedback from players. Let's also talk about some disrespectful and greedy attitudes from them that made me decide to never spend a dime on this game again:The raid dodge bug: Since the beggining of raids, this bug was never addressed or fixed. This is a BIG, GAME CHANGING bug. How can they overlook a problem that is constantly interfering with players' performances on raids they do every day? It is mandatory nowadays to know about this bug if you want to max your damage in raids. It is very present and VERY old.EX Raids: This kind of system illustrates very clearly how problematic Niantic's game design can get. The only reason this system is "working" is because the community found out 100% on their own how it works. You have to go to an EX eligible gym, which is not marked in the game in any way (already unnacceptable imo), and be lucky enough to be selected to do a raid in a date and time that are 100% arbitrary, that disregards the possibility of having any other appointments that day. How is it possible that they are OK with keeping this system for such a long time? Is it an executive decision or does it come from their game design team? This kind of thing boggles me.Interface design: the interface of Pokemon Go has improved a LOT since the beggining, yes. But some things are still problematic. Navigating your inventory is a nightmare. All the item icons are huge, we don't have 10 items in the game anymore. We need a tighter, easier navigation, that allows you to find and use items faster and easier, having the possibility of reviving/healing multiple Pokemon at once, for example. Navigating the dex and having to wait for it to load more than 400 Pokemon is very upsetting too, is there no way to simplify the overview and just load the 3d models once in the particular pokemon you want to see?The problematic way new content gets released sometimes: Let's use the Sinnoh stones as an example. First we are informed we can get them through research breakthrough, which allows us to evolve ONE Pokemon per week. Frustrating but ok. Then we find out that no, you aren't guaranteed a Sinnoh stone after one whole week of playing their game every day. When these events or releases happen, people spend their money in order to enjoy them as much as they can. And yet there is always a mysterious change, or trivialization of the big prizes these events give shortly after they end.There are other smaller reasons, but in the end I always feel like they still have to be even more present in the community and give us feedback about what they acknowledge and try to fix. Why they keep some things the way they are even after complaints, why they change some stuff, when they rebalance items from presents raids and etc. Everything seems to be done out of nowhere and sometimes the rebalances don't make a lot of sense to me. All of this gives me real trust issues with this game and make me want not to risk spending any money on anything.I hope I didn't sound arrogant or too bitter in this post, I am sure there are a lot of people in Niantic working hard to get good quality content in the game, make the community happy and etc. via /r/pokemongo
"The reason I will never spend money on Pokemon Go again." "The reason I will never spend money on Pokemon Go again." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:59 Rating: 5

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