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"In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.0"

#PokemonGO: Just a little announcement first: A few people have asked if I had a Twitter or other external source they can follow me at, so I reset my Twitter account and will start tweeting my teardowns as I do them. That way for those interested you don't have to wait for the full teardown to go up and if I'm delayed (like I was this weekend) you can at least get some information faster as I discover it.If you want to follow me, I'm marty0678 on Twitter.​Now to the important bits!​This update has several exciting things but was also another big cleanup and refactoring update. Several things were removed from tons of files and others were just re-organized and cleaned up. There were 9,455 files changed in all, so I'm not going to report on everything as that would be horrible. Backend changes are grouped at the bottom like before so for those not interested they are easy to skip. Let's get started!Highlights:Mewtwo A Form ChangePurified PokemonNew Pokemon No Evolve formsPrime Item added to Leveling UpGO Fest EMEA BadgesMay 2019 CostumePokestop bubble fix maybe?Kangaroo and Kangaroo v2 (no idea what these are but it's already on v2 so it must be good!)New Google sign-in methodsApple Watch removedElectric animation updatesNew warning screensMarketing subscription and notificationMewtwo Form Changing.get_IsMewtwoA newModeChange AnimationMode MODE_ID_BFK_IDON_MODE_CHANGE_ID IsMewtwoA It appears the game will look if Mewtwo is Mewtwo A and possibly change its form either to A or back to normal?PlayBackContext clipDuration OnEnterStatepb ContextOnEnterWait isTranslate IsOrigin ZTranslatez SpeedOn OriginUpdate playBackCataloglog CurrentAnimStatelog ZOriginStateorigin ZSpeedisZTranslatepb ContextNameIsAutoSwappingToNextModel This might be related to the AnimationMode referenced above but I can't confirm that.PokemonAnimationStateEvents PokemonAnimationStateCallbacks These were added to the assets file so there are definitely animation changes happening.Could not find sprite {0} encounter_too_many_pokemon Error codes related to the above.type1Icon type2Icon Was with raid boss and raid lobby references. Might be related to form changes so through it in here.get_chanceba10 _waitA01ba10 _waitB01fi01 _wait01fi01 _wait02kw01 _wait01fi20 _walk01@fi20 _walk01fi21 _run01@fi21 _run01Invalid STATEFIELD_WALK CLIPFIELD_RUN STATEFIELD_RUN CLIPFIELD_WALK HASHFIELD_RUN_HASH Was with most of the code above but doesn't seem related to me.WAIT_BATTLE HASHWAIT_BATTLE_B HASHWAIT_FIELD HASHWAIT_FIELD_B HASHWAIT_REFRESH_HASH Same as above, was with the above code. Maybe related to battling during form changes and battle B is when the form change happens (or completely unrelated, I'm guessing here).Purified?.get_TimesPurified .set_TimesPurified A new type of Pokemon state was added. Could be related to Mewtwo A or the new forms below.TimesPurified FieldNumbertimesPurified Added to Pokedex.New FormsPIKACHU_NORMAL PIKACHU_NOEVOLVE WURMPLE_NORMAL WURMPLE_NOEVOLVE WOBBUFFET_NORMAL WOBBUFFET_NOEVOLVE BULBASAUR_NORMAL BULBASAUR_NOEVOLVE CHARMANDER_NORMAL CHARMANDER_NOEVOLVE CHARIZARD_NORMAL CHARIZARD_NOEVOLVE SQUIRTLE_NORMAL SQUIRTLE_NOEVOLVE BLASTOISE_NORMAL BLASTOISE_NOEVOLVE RATICATE_NORMAL RATICATE_NOEVOLVE Seems pretty straight forward what these are, but let's see how they interact with the other code found (if at all).Level Up Updates.get_SetName .set_SetName .get_SetPrimeItem .set_SetPrimeItem .setName_SetPrimeItemFieldNumber .setPrimeItem_UnlockTypePromoType Not sure what a prime item is, but this was found with the leveling up unlocking code.GO Fest EMEA BadgesBADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_00_GENERAL BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_00_EARLYACCESS BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_01_GENERAL BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_01_EARLYACCESS BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_02_GENERAL BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_02_EARLYACCESS BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_03_GENERAL BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_03_EARLYACCESS BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_04_GENERAL BADGE_GOFEST_2019_EMEA_DAY_04_EARLYACCESS Get excited EMEA trainers!May CostumeMAY_2019 New pokemon costume.Bubble Fix?unspawnedBubbles ClearAndToastUnspawnedItems awardItemUIBubblePrefab awardItemUIBubbleFactory guiCameraspawned BubbleListspawn RoutinePromise I've noticed personally pokestops are showing the correct number of items now, maybe this is the fix for that?Kangaroo!.get_KangarooSettings .set_KangarooSettings .get_EnableKangarooV2 .set_EnableKangarooV2 Well, it's already on v2 so this must be something super special awesome.​(seriously no clue what this is, it's just as weird as coconuts).Electric Animation Updates.get_ElectricMovementCylinderOff .setScale .get_ElectricMovementHeightPadding .get_ElectricMovementWaitMin .get_ElectricMovementWaitMax .setScaleelectricMovement My favorite pokemon is Magnemite so clearly, this is the most important update here.Warning Screens and Log Onwarning_screens warning_screen_{0} general_allowgeneral_do_not_allow WARNING_SCREEN_RANGE_MAX LoadAndShowWarning deviceServicePromptService TryGetWarningSprite cheatingWarningGuiFactoryspriteWid .getFactorywarning Messageswarning .get_DisplayHighUserWarning .set_DisplayHighUserWarning As we have all seen already, these are the new warning screens with buddy walking into everything. I think buddy needs to pay attention as the warning say.ShowIntroWarnings ShouldShowIntroWarning Removed, most likely the old warning.Google Sign GoogleSignInHelperObject new Google id_token Unhandled Google Login Error GetCredentialsCallback settingsManager .get_PayloadOnResponse PayloadAction RequestoutCallbackcancelToken set_PayloadsClientSettings RequestGoogleAuthProvider GoogleSignIn ImplGoogle ImplSignIn SignInSilently SignOutGoogle .set_AuthCode .get_Email .set_Email .set_DisplayName .set_GivenName .set_FamilyName As Niantic has said, they were changing Google sign in servers. This must be the client side of that update.ClearGoogleCredentials GetGoogleCredentials RefreshGoogleCredentials DesktopRcPathSet Empty GoogleToken.Id - user probably cancelled. canceled.Empty GoogleToken.Google token request GoogleAuthApi All of these were removed, must be the old client Google sign-in code.Apple Watch Removalapple_watch encounter_too_many_pokemon boot_safety_warning_{0} Failed to register the Apple Watch device Holoholo.AppleWatchIWatchApihostPort .get_HasWatchAppInstalledavatar ImageUpdateAvatarImageplayer UpdatePlayerpokemon SettingsUpdate PokemonSettingsbg TokenHasWatchAppInstalled AppleWatchstateToken StartPorygon FinishPorygon Setupstatsincubators UpdateEggIncubators gameMasteruser PromptsService i18nwatch DeviceServicedevice ServicePromptServiceporygon SetupCompletedk UnknownkPermissionGrantedk PermissionDeniedkSuccessk PluginNotReadyk NotSupportedk NotImplementedYetk WatchDeviceService WatchDeviceService watchApifitness DevicePermissionlocation DevicePermissionIARNetworking ARDKadd DidChangeARSyncStateremove DidChangeARSyncStateadd DidReceivePeerPoseremove DidReceivePeerPose DidChangeARSyncState DidReceivePeerPoseNative ARNetworkingARDK InitWatchApi appleWatchPrefab SmartWatchSfida SmartWatchInstalledSfida UpdateWatchAvatarImage As announced, Apple Watch support is gone officially as of this update.Marketing Updatesmarketing_notification_opt_in_titlemarketing_notification_opt_in_message acceptedmarketing NotificationPermission .get_MarketingNotificationPermissionCompleted ShowMarketingNotificationPrompts MarketingNotificationPermissionCompleted set_MarketingNotificationPermissionCompleted get_ShowMarketingNotificationPromptsRequired ChangeMarketingNotificationSubscription PushNotifications ToggleEmailMarketingnewSettings SetContactSettings MarketingNotificationPermissionCompleted notificationOptInCountry ShowMarketingNotificationPromptsRequired .get_MarketingNotificationConfirmed .set_MarketingNotificationConfirmed MARKETING_NOTIFICATION_CONFIRMED New marketing pop up and subscription service.Total Added Photobombed Removedget_TotalAddedPhotoBombCount TotalAddedPhotoBombCount set_TotalAddedCount This was added a few updates ago but now it's removed. Very interesting.Pokedex UpdatesPokedexGenerationId GEN1GEN2GEN3GEN4MELTAN IPokedexService GetPokemonGeneration GetGenDisplay IndexGetGeneration StartId GetGenerationEnd IdPokedexServicegeneration RangesgenDisplay IndexPokedexRange StartId EndId More Pokedex updates. Just like time updates (which there wasn't any this time) small updates get added each time. I still think they are working on a new Pokedex but that's just my guess.PVPImageavatar pokemonSettings WaitForPlayerProtoLoaded getNoAttackstats Kind of unrelated to each other and nothing super interesting but all found with PVP code.Sprite Map TrackingTrackSprite RebuildImageTrackImageUnTrackImages TrackedTexturelessImagess_Initialized VertexHelperExtensionUnityEngine.Experimental.UI Was found with map coordinate references.​Backend ChangesThese are backend changes with little to no value to the end user. Most people probably don't care so they are in a nice little easy 'skip me' section for most people.For those that care though, read away!​General RemovalsThere are many folders that used to be 'res\animator-v21' for example and are now 'res\animator'. There were several folders that followed this same pattern of removing the version number.'prologue' was also removed from several files. Not sure what that means or if it's even important, but it was predominant so I'm reporting it.And finally, an entire folder and references to it called 'multidex' were removed. From my understanding multidex is related to compiling Android programs so they clearly weren't using this.Debugging ToolsClickOnMapDebug DebugOnMapFactory .setCacheID Additional debug tools for the devs most likely.AnyDPI\res\drawable-anydpi I've seen DPI specification in relation to Samsung devices and needing to specify the DPI for each device I think? I'm sure an actual Android developer can speak to this more.Notification Templatesres\layout\notification_template_custom_big.xml android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/notification_big_circle_margin" android:layout_marginBottom="@dimen/notification_big_circle_margin" android:scaleType="centerInside" android:layout_width="@dimen/notification_right_icon_size" android:layout_height="@dimen/notification_right_icon_size" android:layout_marginBottom="8.0dip" android:scaleType="centerInside" I think this is just a cleaner way to build new notifications in the future.Hiding Passwordres\drawable\$avd_hide_password__0.xml res\drawable\$avd_show_password__0.xml Probably related to the new Google sign in work. Drawable eyes (icons I think) were also found in other parts of the APK.ABC Action Barres\color\abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_light.xml res\color\abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark.xml res\drawable\abc_action_bar_item_background_material.xml android:left="@dimen/abc_button_padding_horizontal_material android:top="@dimen/abc_button_padding_vertical_material android:right="@dimen/abc_button_padding_horizontal_material android:bottom="@dimen/abc_button_padding_vertical_material android:tileModeX="repeat" Added to: res\drawable\abc_ratingbar_indicator_material.xml \res\drawable\abc_ratingbar_material.xml res\drawable\abc_ratingbar_small_material.xml android:touchscreenBlocksFocus="true" Added to: abc_screen_toolbar.xml Not entirely sure where these are used or what they mean to be honest, possibly related to the Google stuff as well. Some of the ABC stuff itself was there already, these are just things added to it. Maybe an actual Android developer can fill in some of the gaps here?Re-Adding Icons?res\drawable Several icons were 'changed' in this folder but from what I can tell they look the same. Perhaps they are encoded differently which is why they showed up in the dif. They are fairly generic icons, like trash, eye, close, etc icons. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.0" "In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.147.0" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:52 Rating: 5

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