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"UI CONCEPT DESIGN -- DISPLAYS A TEAM OF 6 POKEMON, with your current buddy outlined. Just tap on a buddy to swap it as the active buddy. Not a huge change, but I think it would look pretty cool and would be fairly easy to implement using the existing code for arranging Pokemon within a gym."

#PokemonGO: via /r/pokemongo
"UI CONCEPT DESIGN -- DISPLAYS A TEAM OF 6 POKEMON, with your current buddy outlined. Just tap on a buddy to swap it as the active buddy. Not a huge change, but I think it would look pretty cool and would be fairly easy to implement using the existing code for arranging Pokemon within a gym." "UI CONCEPT DESIGN -- DISPLAYS A TEAM OF 6 POKEMON, with your current buddy outlined. Just tap on a buddy to swap it as the active buddy. Not a huge change, but I think it would look pretty cool and would be fairly easy to implement using the existing code for arranging Pokemon within a gym." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:58 Rating: 5

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