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"Help me beat the elite 4 after not evening knowing i still owned crystal for 14 years"

So as a child I never manager to finish this game. And when i found it back 2 weeks ago, i set my goal to fully complete this game but now got stuck on what i need to do to complete my team for the elite 4I got: thyplosion lvl 40 Gyarados from the lake to lvl 38 Togetic lvl 34 Machoke lvl 33 Haunter lvl 31 Sudowoodo lvl 31 Kadabra lvl 30And then lapras, weepinbell, quagsire, eevee, tentacool, slowpoke, golbat, drowzee, poliwag,electrode,onix, heracross, swinub and growlithe all around level 25Also i still need to complete the last gym but have done everything else i could do before everything in the last town. So now my question is what is your advice for my team? What would u level further, which tm/hm’s would u use i still have all of them and which Pokemon do u think i should maybe still grab?I also got a smeargle that is level 29 with false swipe and i wanna get a parasect so i can put spore on it and catch legendaries when i also level it to 52 and the full goal of this playthrough is to complete the game fully and try to some Nice pokemon over to my Pokemon sword and shield via /r/pokemon
"Help me beat the elite 4 after not evening knowing i still owned crystal for 14 years" "Help me beat the elite 4 after not evening knowing i still owned crystal for 14 years" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:34 Rating: 5

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