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"People make fun of me for playing the games in my special way. what do you think?"

So, here's the backstory: i first played pokemon at 6 y/o, it was pokemon yellow, and i couldnt read. Now, yellow was a bit unfair, as the starter is Pikachu, and the first gym is rock-types. So it happened that lil old me ( who didnt know how how to catch other pokemon) went out and trained for days, until around lvl 30(-ish) the pikachu finally learned an effective move against rock types.since then, i always play my games the same way: - starter gets leveled up till its last evolution before seeting a foot into the first gym -starter is the only used pokemon for fighting -i am allowed to have a secondary, less strong pokemon (for double-fights only) -the rest are only used and caught for hm-moves/as time buffer to revive the starter (if things go reall south)this requires a lot(!) of grinding on the early routes, and my friends call me stupid for wasting 10+ ours on the game without ever leaving the first city or two.what do you people think? via /r/pokemon
"People make fun of me for playing the games in my special way. what do you think?" "People make fun of me for playing the games in my special way. what do you think?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:35 Rating: 5

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