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"I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!"

I was in the Fairfield mall in Beavercreek, Ohio (Dayton metro area), and stumbled into a store called Original 151 that was filled to the brim with Pokemon Center items! Speaking with the staff they said they only been around for about a year, but have had an amazing reception so far. The place is owned by a large trading card store in the area No Limit Gaming. The owner had some connections in Japan and an opportunity to set it up so he did. I recommend anyone who has a chance to go check it out. via /r/pokemon
"I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!" "I ran across an Unofficial Pokemon Center, "Original 151" in Dayton, Ohio today!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:34 Rating: 5

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