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"Maker of the "Wrong" Logo Addressing It"

#PokemonGO: Hey all, some of you may have seen me around this subreddit, this is where I posted to logos to begin with. As many have pointed out, the Mystic logo I made here was incorrect and is now being posted around a lot. I made these logos, it was because there weren't any other logos available and thought I'd fill the void until someone more talented fulfilled that space. Unfortunately, these logos have persisted after better ones have been published. I've drafted a new blog post linking to some much better logos and I've added links to this post into my other logo posts. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"Maker of the "Wrong" Logo Addressing It" "Maker of the "Wrong" Logo Addressing It" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 22:47 Rating: 5

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