"[Megathread] Hoenn Event - Raid Boss Shakeup January 15: Report In, Travelers!"

#PokemonGO: The Hoenn Event has begun and below is a fully confirmed list of the Raid Bosses for this event!All Bosses ConfirmedThanks for your reporting!Tier:Raid Bosses:Tier 1Duskull, Wingull, Shuppet, Minun, PlusleTier 2Combusken, Mawile, Kirlia, Grovyle, Marshtomp, SableyeTier 3Lunatone, Solrock, Crawdaunt, ClaydolTier 4Absol, Metagross, Aggron, ShiftryTier 5Groudon, Kyogre via /r/TheSilphRoad http://bit.ly/2MbCfCW
"[Megathread] Hoenn Event - Raid Boss Shakeup January 15: Report In, Travelers!"
Reviewed by The Pokémonger
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