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"My Daily Spawn was a Shiny Houndour, but after I Caught It, It was no Longer Shiny"

#PokemonGO: Hi Trainers, first post here! I was lucky enough to get a Shiny Houndour as my daily spawn, which I promptly tapped on at midnight! But after I caught it, it became a normal Houndour... My Journal also registers it as a non-shiny Houndour.I know for events such as Community Day or Incense Day, a Shiny can unfortunately revert back after being caught when the event time period is over. So I can't understand why this happened to my Houndour. A random, unfortunate bug or something else?EDIT: I don't know if it would be worth mentioning, but my previous day's (6/21) daily spawn was a Phanphy, which I did not catch and left completely alone. Did not even tap on it once. Today's daily spawn (6/22) was the Houndour, which I caught seeing that it was shiny. via /r/TheSilphRoad
"My Daily Spawn was a Shiny Houndour, but after I Caught It, It was no Longer Shiny" "My Daily Spawn was a Shiny Houndour, but after I Caught It, It was no Longer Shiny" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:05 Rating: 5

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