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"I've been aggressively collecting lucky Pokemon since the Dec community day weekend. Here are the results:"

#PokemonGO:​Methodology:1) Soliciting trades with random people gathered for raids in popular areas2) Trading with SO/family/old friends3) Trading with new friends4) Soliciting trades with random people at gaming/anime conventions5) Trading with self for boring/pointless stuff using bro's account​Talking with strangers didn't feel very awkward at any point; most Pokemon Go players seem to be open to conversation if you just approach them in a friendly manner. via /r/pokemongo
"I've been aggressively collecting lucky Pokemon since the Dec community day weekend. Here are the results:" "I've been aggressively collecting lucky Pokemon since the Dec community day weekend. Here are the results:" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:04 Rating: 5

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