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by The Pokémonger
"EON ticket irl!" "EON ticket irl!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"What could you even do in this situation?" "What could you even do in this situation?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"How it started vs. how it's going." "How it started vs. how it's going." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My new Cubone Tattoo in honor of my mom, how is it?" "My new Cubone Tattoo in honor of my mom, how is it?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I built Eelektross out of LEGO [OC]" "I built Eelektross out of LEGO [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Three eeveelutions I made :]" "Three eeveelutions I made :]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:33 Rating: 5
"Today I Learned That Aurorus’ “sails” are made of bone - Source: Official Pokémon Fossil Museum" "Today I Learned That Aurorus’ “sails” are made of bone - Source: Official Pokémon Fossil Museum" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:34 Rating: 5
"Why doesn’t this little guy get more love, seriously underrated design imo. It’s a baby dragon wearing an apple costume!" "Why doesn’t this little guy get more love, seriously underrated design imo. It’s a baby dragon wearing an apple costume!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Mecha kyogre process i draw [OC]" "Mecha kyogre process i draw [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:33 Rating: 5
"My friend collects rubber ducks and loves pokemon. So I sculpted him a cubone duck!" "My friend collects rubber ducks and loves pokemon. So I sculpted him a cubone duck!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"A rough Breloom running animation" "A rough Breloom running animation" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"The grind never ends.." "The grind never ends.." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:32 Rating: 5
"What do you guys think of the new Sinistea? I, personally, think it should’ve been in Legends Wrceus" "What do you guys think of the new Sinistea? I, personally, think it should’ve been in Legends Wrceus" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I’m obsessed with these little guys!" "I’m obsessed with these little guys!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:35 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I made Eevee cookies" "I made Eevee cookies" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Best non-starter starter Pokémon?" "Best non-starter starter Pokémon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Does anybody know where these are from and if there's more." "Does anybody know where these are from and if there's more." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:33 Rating: 5
"oh to be a sprig who just discovered the yarn ball pokemon [oc]" "oh to be a sprig who just discovered the yarn ball pokemon [oc]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I made some more cookies, are they better this time? [OC]" "I made some more cookies, are they better this time? [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:34 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"3-type gym leaders create 816 new flavours of gyms" "3-type gym leaders create 816 new flavours of gyms" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 14:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I think it would be cool if they introduced a new Pokemon based on the Nurikabe Yokai. The Nurikabe is an invisible wall that blocks the path of travelers. It is said to be able to extend infinitely, and it can only be defeated by knocking on the bottom left corner of the wall." "I think it would be cool if they introduced a new Pokemon based on the Nurikabe Yokai. The Nurikabe is an invisible wall that blocks the path of travelers. It is said to be able to extend infinitely, and it can only be defeated by knocking on the bottom left corner of the wall." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I drew Eeveelutions as weird cats and most of them are moods." "I drew Eeveelutions as weird cats and most of them are moods." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:33 Rating: 5
"Y’all will never convince me that there’s a game more carried by nostalgia than those two." "Y’all will never convince me that there’s a game more carried by nostalgia than those two." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I created evolutions for Lapras, Magikarp, and Swanna!" "I created evolutions for Lapras, Magikarp, and Swanna!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
"Prediction: Elongated versions of existing Pokémon will become a generational staple like the starter trio, Pikaclone, pseudo-legendary, etc." "Prediction: Elongated versions of existing Pokémon will become a generational staple like the starter trio, Pikaclone, pseudo-legendary, etc." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:34 Rating: 5
"Day 47 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Weepinbell has replaced one Doduo head. (47/151)(31.1%)" "Day 47 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Weepinbell has replaced one Doduo head. (47/151)(31.1%)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Sandy Shocks is based on Japanese mythology" "Sandy Shocks is based on Japanese mythology" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:33 Rating: 5
"What's a Pokémon that you consider to be very underrated/underused or not appreciated?" "What's a Pokémon that you consider to be very underrated/underused or not appreciated?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"What is the maximum damage a move can do in Pokémon?" "What is the maximum damage a move can do in Pokémon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Your 'face' of each generation" "Your 'face' of each generation" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:33 Rating: 5
"Pokemon Emerald vs Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver. Which game do you prefer more?" "Pokemon Emerald vs Pokemon Heartgold/Soulsilver. Which game do you prefer more?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"What If Pokémon Continued The Real World Setting?" "What If Pokémon Continued The Real World Setting?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:34 Rating: 5
"Which would you recommend a new to nintento switch pokemon player?" "Which would you recommend a new to nintento switch pokemon player?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"The problem with the towns in paldea" "The problem with the towns in paldea" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Does anyone like Druddigon?" "Does anyone like Druddigon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"People Like Gen 5 Now ?" "People Like Gen 5 Now ?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:33 Rating: 5
"Did You Know Tauros Dominated Pokemon's First VGC-style Competitive Format?" "Did You Know Tauros Dominated Pokemon's First VGC-style Competitive Format?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Should I give SV another chance?" "Should I give SV another chance?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Real talk, are we ever going to see Furfrou again?" "Real talk, are we ever going to see Furfrou again?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Lego Machamp. Very Cursed" "Lego Machamp. Very Cursed" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 12:33 Rating: 5
"Hey guys what do you expect or want from a 19 tera type? + part 4 of drawing all starters in "tera form"" "Hey guys what do you expect or want from a 19 tera type? + part 4 of drawing all starters in "tera form"" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Spheal iphone wallpaper 💙" "Spheal iphone wallpaper 💙" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Primeape art cause he's awesome" "Primeape art cause he's awesome" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Needlefelt Fuecoco!" "Needlefelt Fuecoco!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:32 Rating: 5
"Day 2 of using Google Translate 50 times to poorly translate EVERY Pokemon name: #0013 to #0026" "Day 2 of using Google Translate 50 times to poorly translate EVERY Pokemon name: #0013 to #0026" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
"Day 46 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Doduos heads have been added. (46/151)(30.46)" "Day 46 of fusing every Gen 1 pokemon into one by adding the idea from the top comment. Doduos heads have been added. (46/151)(30.46)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Finally finished my eeveelutions tattoo!" "Finally finished my eeveelutions tattoo!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Poor Maushold - OC Comic" "Poor Maushold - OC Comic" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I have a confession." "I have a confession." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Just colored in my Alolan Exeggutor tattoo!" "Just colored in my Alolan Exeggutor tattoo!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:36 Rating: 5
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