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by The Pokémonger
"This all seems a bit familiar.." "This all seems a bit familiar.." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My old Pokemon arts" "My old Pokemon arts" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"It's demoralizing when you don't even get a shake" "It's demoralizing when you don't even get a shake" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Togi babies! Which color do you prefer? [oc]" "Togi babies! Which color do you prefer? [oc]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Visited the Rijksmuseum some days ago." "Visited the Rijksmuseum some days ago." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:57 Rating: 5
"Reasons why Heartgold and SoulSilver are the best Pokemon Games (Not Platinum)" "Reasons why Heartgold and SoulSilver are the best Pokemon Games (Not Platinum)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5
"I finally caught a shiny ditto 😊 my IRL friends don't play, so I have no one else to tell." "I finally caught a shiny ditto 😊 my IRL friends don't play, so I have no one else to tell." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Shadow Hundo Starly for any use or just a flex?" "Shadow Hundo Starly for any use or just a flex?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
"This is what happens when you use Whirlwind on the Sudowoodo in Pokemon Gold/Silver" "This is what happens when you use Whirlwind on the Sudowoodo in Pokemon Gold/Silver" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Found it in a lil pokeball on the floor" "Found it in a lil pokeball on the floor" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"After thousands of clicking, finally found god" "After thousands of clicking, finally found god" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"A Charizard I recently created, hope you like it! 🥰 (OC)" "A Charizard I recently created, hope you like it! 🥰 (OC)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Is that even worth a coin?" "Is that even worth a coin?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I've finished turning every NFL logo into a pokemon :D" "I've finished turning every NFL logo into a pokemon :D" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I wonder how else Niantic is going to make POGO worse?" "I wonder how else Niantic is going to make POGO worse?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:56 Rating: 5
"were finally getting starly com day after years of waiting" "were finally getting starly com day after years of waiting" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I caught the super rare Regibest!" "I caught the super rare Regibest!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Oshawott is a true gamer" "Oshawott is a true gamer" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5
"What are some theoretical regional variants you think could breath new life into some weak/unused/forgotten pokemon?" "What are some theoretical regional variants you think could breath new life into some weak/unused/forgotten pokemon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:32 Rating: 5
"A wild unown spawned nearby my house. How rare is this???" "A wild unown spawned nearby my house. How rare is this???" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"You should be tilted as fuck guys. (Roe v wade)" "You should be tilted as fuck guys. (Roe v wade)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:56 Rating: 5
"Going from Generation 1 Yellow to Generation 2 Crystal is a shock in big a upgrade both visually and mechanically" "Going from Generation 1 Yellow to Generation 2 Crystal is a shock in big a upgrade both visually and mechanically" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Thoughts on the new bundle" "Thoughts on the new bundle" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My theory based off khu’s morse code riddle." "My theory based off khu’s morse code riddle." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:32 Rating: 5
"What are some existing type combinations that you want to get another shot at a design?" "What are some existing type combinations that you want to get another shot at a design?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:32 Rating: 5
"Pokémon go really out dose themselves for rural players" "Pokémon go really out dose themselves for rural players" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Eeveelution for Lillie" "Eeveelution for Lillie" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I crocheted Deino for community day" "I crocheted Deino for community day" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Who is your favorite rival?" "Who is your favorite rival?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
"PSA: Make Pancham Your Buddy for Deino Community Day to Evolve" "PSA: Make Pancham Your Buddy for Deino Community Day to Evolve" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I made a Vaporeon decal Sticker! What do you guys think? :)" "I made a Vaporeon decal Sticker! What do you guys think? :)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:32 Rating: 5
"This UX is so annoying, especially when trying to keep track of how many are in. It’s sloppy" "This UX is so annoying, especially when trying to keep track of how many are in. It’s sloppy" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"No Pokemon was harmed in the process of making this video." "No Pokemon was harmed in the process of making this video." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Got him! Should I evolve him even if he has bad IV’s?" "Got him! Should I evolve him even if he has bad IV’s?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I made new and Mewtwo out of paper" "I made new and Mewtwo out of paper" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Trust no one, not even yourself" "Trust no one, not even yourself" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 00:56 Rating: 5
"I love Generation 4 sprites as much as the next guy, but why did they do this to Flygon!?" "I love Generation 4 sprites as much as the next guy, but why did they do this to Flygon!?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"What Pokémon is this?" "What Pokémon is this?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:56 Rating: 5
""I know, lets have a part in the game where our young characters enters people's rooms on a ship, alone, and have one of the adults say this" - Gamefreak team in the 90s" ""I know, lets have a part in the game where our young characters enters people's rooms on a ship, alone, and have one of the adults say this" - Gamefreak team in the 90s" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 03:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"When Cowboy Snorlax was announced" "When Cowboy Snorlax was announced" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Finished fanart" "Finished fanart" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I am inevitable" "I am inevitable" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Just Caught This Pokemon 😁" "Just Caught This Pokemon 😁" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"w o o f" "w o o f" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Made a lil Smoliv :)" "Made a lil Smoliv :)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:33 Rating: 5
"I wish we could trade regular raid passes in for remote passes. - Tales from a rural player" "I wish we could trade regular raid passes in for remote passes. - Tales from a rural player" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:56 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My wife and I recently purchased our first home. Because we managed to keep our renos under budget, we were able to use some of that money set aside to get the full Eeveelution set of Bear Walker skateboards for our office!" "My wife and I recently purchased our first home. Because we managed to keep our renos under budget, we were able to use some of that money set aside to get the full Eeveelution set of Bear Walker skateboards for our office!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 02:33 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"My Pokemon Family, commissioned by the wonderful All0412" "My Pokemon Family, commissioned by the wonderful All0412" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
"For anyone who's ever wondered what a real life Mimikyu would look like, I think this is as close as we'll get" "For anyone who's ever wondered what a real life Mimikyu would look like, I think this is as close as we'll get" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 01:32 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Which Gen 1 Pokémon should I do next?" "Which Gen 1 Pokémon should I do next?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 04:32 Rating: 5
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