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by The Pokémonger
"Two shiny Pikachus in two days, caught from my bedroom" "Two shiny Pikachus in two days, caught from my bedroom" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 15:50 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"How good is Shieldon?" "How good is Shieldon?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:49 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"A Really Nice Convenience" "A Really Nice Convenience" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:49 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Who ever made these raid ai/helpers needs to be fired" "Who ever made these raid ai/helpers needs to be fired" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:03 Rating: 5
"Twitch-streamer and Video Game challenge run player GameChamp3k just beat Pokemon Blue without taking a single point of damage in the entire game." "Twitch-streamer and Video Game challenge run player GameChamp3k just beat Pokemon Blue without taking a single point of damage in the entire game." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:03 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"First shiny hatched! Alolan Meowth" "First shiny hatched! Alolan Meowth" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:59 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"New range for pokestop submission ?" "New range for pokestop submission ?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:25 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Weird flex, but ok" "Weird flex, but ok" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:19 Rating: 5
"Casual/Competitive PSA: Gigantamax Meowth can earn 99999p per battle." "Casual/Competitive PSA: Gigantamax Meowth can earn 99999p per battle." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"App crashing on start (iOS)" "App crashing on start (iOS)" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:05 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"How useful is Latios?" "How useful is Latios?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:05 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"18 rare candy 4 manning a 4*" "18 rare candy 4 manning a 4*" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:05 Rating: 5
"Yooooooo got my 1st shiny after a 2 year break from PoGo!" "Yooooooo got my 1st shiny after a 2 year break from PoGo!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:09 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Pokemon Sword & Shield spoiler period has expired!" "Pokemon Sword & Shield spoiler period has expired!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:08 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Powering up Pokémon needs a slider." "Powering up Pokémon needs a slider." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:09 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"[OC] Oh? You’re approaching me?" "[OC] Oh? You’re approaching me?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:53 Rating: 5
"Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?" "Can we go back to when final evolution starters were very simple in concept and not have forced anthromorphic features?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"In Pokemon Sword and Shield, Coalossal sucks as a design" "In Pokemon Sword and Shield, Coalossal sucks as a design" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Niantic really did do a good job with this game" "Niantic really did do a good job with this game" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 06:24 Rating: 5
"If you're hatching eggs for shinies or IVs, go into settings and turn off give nicknames, it'll save you so much time." "If you're hatching eggs for shinies or IVs, go into settings and turn off give nicknames, it'll save you so much time." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:48 Rating: 5
"I met the biggest Homie on random link trade and I wish I could thank her" "I met the biggest Homie on random link trade and I wish I could thank her" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:48 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Ex Raid Gym Tag - eligibility" "Ex Raid Gym Tag - eligibility" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:40 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Re-adding friends that counts for quest is patched?" "Re-adding friends that counts for quest is patched?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:40 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"With the current supposed 25% Friend Damage bonus, are any current Level 4 raids possible to be "assisted" solo'd? i.e. a best friend sits idle when one player does all the damage?" "With the current supposed 25% Friend Damage bonus, are any current Level 4 raids possible to be "assisted" solo'd? i.e. a best friend sits idle when one player does all the damage?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 21:36 Rating: 5
"One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 26" "One culled Pokémon family every day until Dexit is reversed - Day 26" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Kanto must be the most zoologicaly boring place in the world." "Kanto must be the most zoologicaly boring place in the world." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I make League Cards IRL from Pokémon Sword & Shield" "I make League Cards IRL from Pokémon Sword & Shield" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:43 Rating: 5
"When you do a grass starter only run but the Champion has a Charizard and football bugbunny" "When you do a grass starter only run but the Champion has a Charizard and football bugbunny" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:58 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I feel beyond Lucky getting this" "I feel beyond Lucky getting this" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:19 Rating: 5
"Today is a wonderful day. 30 levels later and I finally caught ditto for the research tasks!" "Today is a wonderful day. 30 levels later and I finally caught ditto for the research tasks!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:19 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"*Shiny* Magnemite: Good As Gold" "*Shiny* Magnemite: Good As Gold" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:19 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Terrakion Duo with 12 Unique Mewtwo Movesets" "Terrakion Duo with 12 Unique Mewtwo Movesets" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 16:35 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"PSA: Remember the 3ds family has been discontinued." "PSA: Remember the 3ds family has been discontinued." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 13:03 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"What a wonderful holiday surprise" "What a wonderful holiday surprise" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 11:59 Rating: 5
"[Theory] Anorith and a Pokémon whose name I can’t use in the title because it’ll get my post removed for spoilers originated from the same Pokémon" "[Theory] Anorith and a Pokémon whose name I can’t use in the title because it’ll get my post removed for spoilers originated from the same Pokémon" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:38 Rating: 5
"Wanted a Ghost/Fighting Machamp regional variant, so I shopped it myself" "Wanted a Ghost/Fighting Machamp regional variant, so I shopped it myself" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 10:38 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Happy Thanksgiving to all!" "Happy Thanksgiving to all!" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 09:49 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Champions of Galar [OC]" "Champions of Galar [OC]" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:53 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"I just discovered the shadow world" "I just discovered the shadow world" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:09 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"The sad state of Tier 5 raids" "The sad state of Tier 5 raids" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 08:01 Rating: 5
"Niantic corrects their previous post - ANY Eeveelution evolved during CD hours will learn Last Resort" "Niantic corrects their previous post - ANY Eeveelution evolved during CD hours will learn Last Resort" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:05 Rating: 5
"ZoeTwoDots from Twitter : Confirmed direct from Ninatic: ANY EEVEE that is evolved during December Community Day windows will evolve to have Last Resort #PokemonGO" "ZoeTwoDots from Twitter : Confirmed direct from Ninatic: ANY EEVEE that is evolved during December Community Day windows will evolve to have Last Resort #PokemonGO" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 07:05 Rating: 5
"Something that has always bothered me about Pokemon since the introduction of customizability..." "Something that has always bothered me about Pokemon since the introduction of customizability..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 05:38 Rating: 5
"Going from Dragon Quest XI S to Pokémon Sword and Shield highlighted Generation 8's glaring issues." "Going from Dragon Quest XI S to Pokémon Sword and Shield highlighted Generation 8's glaring issues." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:53 Rating: 5
"What Pokemon do you find the most frustrating to catch? And why?" "What Pokemon do you find the most frustrating to catch? And why?" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:14 Rating: 5
"[Complaint] I just learned that Chingling can hatch from 10km eggs ..." "[Complaint] I just learned that Chingling can hatch from 10km eggs ..." Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 20:14 Rating: 5
"When someone on the Internet actually likes your Final Evolution" "When someone on the Internet actually likes your Final Evolution" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 19:43 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"There's certainly worse things to get from a 10km egg" "There's certainly worse things to get from a 10km egg" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 18:39 Rating: 5
by The Pokémonger
"Wife just merc'd a shiny duskull" "Wife just merc'd a shiny duskull" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:58 Rating: 5
"[Update] Cracking the Rocket CP formula -- Almost done, but still need data from Lv. 29 and below" "[Update] Cracking the Rocket CP formula -- Almost done, but still need data from Lv. 29 and below" Reviewed by The Pokémonger on 17:55 Rating: 5
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